
Registration Fees

Category Early Registration Regular Registration

Regular, Full Paper, Short Paper 650 USD/5070 HKD    750 USD/5850 HKD
Student 550 USD/4290 HKD 650 USD/5070 HKD
IEEE Member 550 USD/4290 HKD 630 USD/4914 HKD
IEEE Student Member 450 USD/3510 HKD 550 USD/4290 HKD
Extra Page Charge (per page, up to two pages) 60 USD/468 HKD

Regular 550 USD/4290 HKD 650 USD/5070 HKD
IEEE Member 450 USD/3510 HKD 550 USD/4290 HKD
Student (TPC Member) 350 USD/2730 HKD
IEEE Student Member 310 USD/2418 HKD

· Author: Submit full paper, present it on the conference.  提交全文,并在会上作oral或poster报告。

· All final submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of 8 pages for regular paper (five pages for short paper). If the paper exceeds the required pages, extra pages should be paid.   如超过要求需要缴纳超页费。

· Student author: Provide a valid certificate from their departments (only for the first author).   第一作者为学生,且提供学生身份的有效证明。

·    IEEE Member: Provide a valid member ID.   需提供有效会员编号。

· Participants:  Attend the conference only, without submission and publication.   只参会,不提交文章,不作报告。


· The papers will be published online. 文章是在线出版,无纸质论文集。

· Registration of paper must be done by one of author(s) of paper. Otherwise the paper cannot be included into the conference proceedings. 每篇文章至少一个作者须注册,否则文章将不纳入会议论文集中。

· Your registration will be confirmed when the payment of the registration fee is received by the Organizers. 会议主办方收到注册费用后方可确认注册成功。

· The conference organizer is not responsible for any accommodation process. You can seek your hotel on your own. 会议主办方不负责参会者住宿,建议参会者尽早预订。

· Co-authors or accompanying person can register as the participant. 1篇文章的其余作者或是陪同人员可注册为参会者。

·    Registration cancellations must be notified in writing beforehand to the conference specialist via e-mail to 取消注册必须提前通过邮件书面告知会务组,邮件地址。

· Registration cancellations made before Nov. 7, 2023 will get 70% of the registration fee returned. 2023年11月7日前取消注册,可退还70%的注册费用。

· Registration cancellations made between Nov. 7, 2023 and Nov. 30, 2023 will get 50% of the registration fee returned.  2023年11月7日-30日期间取消注册,可退还50%的注册费用。

· There are no refunds for cancellations made after Dec. 1, 2023 (including Dec. 1, 2023), however the conference attendee can be switched. 2023年12月1日(含)后申请退款,注册费用不予退还,可更换参会者。

· In the case of a duplicate payment, 70% of the duplicate registration fee will be refunded. 参会者重复缴费时,对于重复缴费部分收取30%管理费,退款70%。


Congress has ended


Congress has ended